Our Totems can teach us to morph our energy to become what we need to be when breaking free of perceived limitations / life challenges. Part physical workout / part guided meditation, Medicine Dancing connects you to new ways of movement while learning to channel the gestures of your allies (angelic animal totems or ascended masters). Free your spirit by matching their motions to guide you to new solutions of higher awareness!
A Dream lodge series of Group Meditations focused on developing Medicine Sight - seeing / reading the energy field of others. In this course we will use channeling with a focus on Snake Fire tools for clearing burdens and Sorrows, Humming Bird Meditation to protect against low energy encounters and Bear Medicine for traveling into the void – the place of answers where all possible outcomes are viewed - and using the Dreaming Lizard in observing morphing emotions and discerning which dreams are for your highest good.

Classes, Training & Mentorships

Dream Hunting is a Day long session that can be extended to multiple days (per request). In this expedition into nature, you will develop intentions for dream hunting / finding your outcomes through channeling and asking for the ways these visions can be manifested according to the highest and best good of all. In this Expedition, you will also be invited to meet and befriend your higher self in a guided Soul Fire Meditation.

Megalithic Meditations: Own Your Personal Truth!

Dream Lodge: Clearing Burdens & Sorrow

You will learn a series of guided Dream Lodge Meditations that call on prehistoric ascended, animal allies of ancient strength to clear limitations from past lives, as well as your present life, while guided by energies such as: the Woolly Mammoth and Sabre Tooth Tiger – Antediluvian Totems of healing & protection.

TSP offers several specially designed Classes, Workshops, Training Opportunities, Readings and Mentorships to help people from all walks of life and belief systems to awaken to their spiritual potential. These Tools of Awareness and Ascension can be learned in the form of the individual classes described below under the "The 9 Fires of Activation";  The Earth Walk Training, a more intensive program, designed to help each participant discover the Power Animal Spirit Guides & Allies that support them directly on their Earth Walk (life path); Private Ascension Readings; and Group or Individual Mentorships! We also offer Custom Corporate Training Intensives to help companies who wish to unify their vision, build increased cohesiveness with their team and become more crystallized in their manifestation of their higher purpose as a group on this Earth plane. To discover or sign-up for any of these offerings please email Quinn Tetterton!

Power Places: Sacred Earth Grid Expeditions

These Dream Lodge’s of Knowledge and Activation / Acceleration focus on the Aztec, Hopi / Tsalagi (Cherokee) / Haudenosaunne (Iroquois) understanding of Orion, Pleiadian, Sirian, & Atlantean STAR NATION Meditations (Also found in other mystery schools spanning multiple epochs of earth’s history – Sumerian / Egyptian / Babylonian / Hindu / Druid / Greco-Roman / Aztec / Mayan). Discover the holographic meanings of sacred geometry, ancient guided meditations, working the 12 rays of light, focusing on your vessel as an intuitive conduit of energy while learning the uses of crystal technology.

Starship Kiva: Totem Guide & Live Channeling Event

Power Shields:

Discover Medicine Painting

9 Fires of ★ Activation

Medicine Dancing:  Movement Meditation Series

Sacred Circles both Yin & Yang can be spotted in the forest if you know the signs and signatures of the Earth Grid. Join this Meditation Expedition to a power place where you will learn how to tap into / channel the wisdoms of the Stone People (Crystals) the Standing People (trees) and the Turtles Back (The Earth Grid Energy Lines and Nodes – the organic geometry of the Turtles Shell).
Starting with your heartbeat, you can tune into the various rhythms of your Guides bridging Earth and Sky. In these Dream Lodge’s of the Talking Drum and Sacred Song, you can experience Activation through feeling the healing heartbeat of earth and celebrating the footsteps of your respected ancestors through the sound of your protection totems – connect to their vibrations through the rhythms of the talking drum and match their energy internally by creating channeled blasts of inner light triggered through powerful sacred songs - All drums are welcomed.

Star Seed Kiva: Discovering & Supporting

These Dream Lodges contain tools and guided meditations intended to support the development and spiritual strength of souls who are believed to be volunteers from other planets, solar systems and dimensions that have volunteered (especially over the last 75 years) to reincarnate on earth to raise the vibration of the planet. Indigo souls paving the way for Crystal souls & the more modern Rainbow souls all display their missions in various ways – some are aware while others may suspect they are on a different page than the culture they have come to elevate. For those that struggle with their gifts, there are tools and techniques of understanding not only for these generous souls but also for their friends & family.
Medicine Painting instruction allows you to tap into the auras of your trusted friends and celebrate your spirit’s totems by giving them a Power Shield you create using intuitive medicine painting - conveying the seen and unseen symbolizing the knowing of their courage and wisdom!

Spirit Journeys:

Dream Hunting

Thunder Lodge:

Talking Drum & Sacred Song